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Dirty Tricks within Cabinet- Case of former Minister Kansichi

Dr Martin Kansichi  is former trade minister under late Bingu Wa Mutharika administration. He writes about his experience as Cabinet minister and  decided to split it into two parts

Although I have sworn not to reveal cabinet secrets, it is my conviction that what I am writing here will help others coming after us, to learn from our experiences and appreciate the dynamics of politics. This includes our leaders because some decisions they make based on hearsay have brought about weaknesses in their government systems and the party as a whole.

This has consequently eroded all the gains brought about by the leaders. It is therefore my hope that in future, leaders will be able to take full responsibility of their actions without blaming their followers for misleading them. It is also hoped that our future leaders will appreciate that hard workers and loyal servants are the ones who get targeted by those perceived to be party informants.

First meeting with the President 

During my first appointment with late Bingu in early 2004, he made it very clear that he wanted the country to transform quickly so that the gains derived should benefit the economy of the country. I was President of MCCCI then, and was also President of Associations of SADC Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCCI), where we were also making some critical reforms including the formation of SADC Business Council under my leadership. The president also described some of the political challenges he was facing with his former party (UDF), and his strategic goals for DPP.

At the onset, I declined the offer of the Cabinet post, but because Bingu was a very persuasive negotiator and demonstrated good, visionary leadership, I ended up accepting and immediately went into serious business to galvanize the resources to help the President achieve his goals.

What we achieved in a nutshell

Some of the short term priority areas we undertook were: the institutionalization of monthly tripartite discussions between government, the Donor Community and Private Sector to support utility companies in Malawi particularly Water and Electricity Boards, while also addressing other Private Sector constraints.

This helped us to sort out some of the chronic challenges we faced within a short period. My Ministry renamed (Trade and Private Sector Development) also approached World Bank who, within a short time approved a grant to help create a stronger Private Sector Development Program for Malawi, which unfortunately for me, was inaugurated after my expulsion despite the fact that I was the key player in the creation of this project. We worked hard to also create stronger Co-operatives focusing more on addressing supply chain and market challenges. Miracles were indeed happening. We also addressed export constraints to the extent that we were focusing on honey production which we also started to promote in all the regions.

Our goal was for Malawi to also focus on the introduction of Manuca honey which was selling at over USD1000 per Kg on the international market and was in high demand because of its medicinal value. We also considered the challenges being faced by Illovo sugar in Malawi because of the constraints of the EU quota system. During my time, Malawi was elected to lead sugar negotiations at EU on behalf of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Countries (G90). We also led the G90 on Services at the World Economic Forum in Hong Kong in 2006.

We were also elected to lead the Council of Ministers for COMESA during the same year. We were also making in-roads to change the mind-set of traders locally, so that they use acceptable standard buckets for measuring their produce, especially throughout M1 road produce markets. We were aware of the cheating that was taking place and had engaged Malawi Bureau of Standards to regulate the use of acceptable measurements. We also discussed the establish of a strong base for local wheat production with one of the biggest wheat importers in order to save forex. We also engaged our Mozambican counterparts about the possible introduction of a potato factory to produce chips and other value addition to benefit both Malawi and Mozambican potato farmers.

Former Cabinet Minister Dr Martin Kansichi

This is what led to the signing of a bilateral trade agreement between the two countries while I was responsible Minister. We were also doing our best as a Ministry to regulate both local and foreign companies in the way they conducted their businesses. We had also embarked on reshaping of the trade legal framework because we felt that most of our legal mandates were outdated. We just initiated discussions with some international organizations including Commonwealth Secretariat. In Ntchisi, we just helped the dairy farmers to acquire diary equipment to add value to their milk. It was all about achieving Bingu’s vision. However, today, I feel very disappointed to note that most of these initiatives were either shamelessly abandoned or took a different path and succumbed to natural death.

Part 2: What else happened?

One weakness Malawi has had for centuries is underutilization of local skill and resources in its high learning institutions. One day, while consulting my Head of State, I bemoaned the tendency of borrowing ideas from other countries because we do not utilize opportunities existing in our high learning institutions. I gave examples of countries using local technologies to develop their countries. I therefore proposed that we needed to discuss with all universities and other Engineering and Research Institutions to be able to hear from them and ask them to promote the economic development of our country through research and whatever has been gathered before in the universities which can help generate ideas for local production and patenting of whatever originates from Malawi. He agreed and I went ahead to invite all Institutions. We had a very vibrant discussion in Blantyre. We ultimately agreed that they should go back and come up with proper recommendations on the way forward, within three weeks.

A few days later the President opened the International Trade Fair. I sensed from the speech he delivered that all was not well. Two days later, upon receiving the president’s approval, I travelled to Papua New Guinea representing the G90 countries for Economic Negotiations.
On my way back, as I passed through Tokyo, Japan, the Ambassador asked me if I heard any news from Malawi. I explained the communication challenges we faced in Papua New Guinea. I had no idea what he meant until I arrived in Johannesburg when the news of a cabinet reshuffle was broken and that I was one of the dropped Ministers.

The first thing that came to my mind was worry over the many commitments I had made to the institutions I partnered with. Then I became very disappointed with the president because deep down my heart I knew, I was loyal to him and served him and my country well. I started recollecting the many sacrifices made especially when UDF and MCP teamed up to impeach him. The crucial collective role I played to save him by secretly negotiating with the then leader of opposition to ease the tension. I also reflected on the many other sacrificial roles played both locally and internationally to help him achieve his goals. The many one on one very cordial consultations we had, sometimes, until very late in the night. I thought I was useful…but as we are always reminded, it indeed was the prerogative of my president!

Upon my arrival at Kamuzu International Airport, I told the PS who came to welcome me that I wanted to clear my desk and handover the office the same day though it was a Saturday. I did not want to stand in the way of the new appointee. After removing all my belongings including handing over the official vehicle, I went home and started writing a long letter, (6 pages), to my president. Having studied psychology, I avoided insulting statements. Just thanked him for the privilege of serving him and putting down a long list of things that I left hanging. Delivered the letter at State House the following morning.
He personally called me at 11.30am the same morning, asking to meet me at State House, the same day at 3.00pm. That was Bingu. He did not avoid me. When I arrived and met him. I could sense the wave of discomfort around us. I also wore a very serious expression.

During the discussions, which lasted almost two and half hours, he insisted that he had not abandoned me, but earmarked me for posting to Mozambique because he thought I had good relations with my counterpart in Mozambique. Unfortunately, I confessed to him that I did not believe that I was useful to him any longer and was not in any position to accept any appointment. He tried his best to convince me adding that I would sign a three-year renewable contract, but I still put my foot down. Seeing that there was no progress, we parted ways.

What followed the next four weeks were calls and visits by different people including friends from DPP urging me to accept the position of High Commissioner to Mozambique. It took me another four weeks to eventually accept the post since undue pressure was mounting and I felt it was wrong to deny serving my country abroad. After all, I felt it was not good as a Christian, to keep the grudge for too long.

Revelations five years later

Our relationship with my president was eventually restored. He used to call me more often on relevant matters. But I still remember one of the worst telephone conversations in December 2008 which ended in him hanging up prematurely. I think I had pre-conceived negative thoughts about all the issues he introduced which angered him. Two days later, he called me requesting that I organize a State Visit for him the following year around August. He was very calm and sounded like a father speaking to his beloved son. I was now getting used to his temperament. and sometimes peaceful co-existence.

Political Science taught me to always maintain honesty in my judgement of issues. I therefore maintained to agree or disagree with his opinions. What I liked about Bingu though, is that if he disagreed with me, and eventually discovered that the outcome was as I recommended, he would always be humble to come back to me and admit that I was right.

The arrangements for the State visit went smoothly since my appointment with the host president was treated with urgency and was granted the following day. We agreed on the appropriate dates of the State visit..
On the date the president arrived, after banquet at the State house, Bingu requested me to meet him first thing in the morning. There were issues he was not happy with some protocol related issues. He also wanted to share with me some issues in private.

I met him at eight in the morning. He was busy writing some notes. His dress was very casual. He asked me to remove my jacket and feel at ease. He started addressing the issues that did not please him about the State Visit, we debated over them and he gave instructions on the way forward. Then came the most interesting part affecting my loyalty to him.

He said that until late 2006, he trusted everything I did, but after receiving confidential communication about my sinister movements and association with opposition political parties, in particular, MCP, he directed that I be put on surveillance. This went on for a couple of months. Then one cabinet minister reported that I was receiving bribes from foreigners in order to facilitate illegal trade in Malawi. Then, he received another intelligence report that I was vying for his position to the extent that I was on TV almost every day speaking about my achievements. Another intelligence report came accusing me of mobilizing universities and colleges hand in hand with Human Rights activists to revolt against him. Another intelligence report stated that I was mobilizing the opposition to impeach him so that I take over. There were other bad things reported against me by some of my two cabinet colleagues. What hit the last nail on my coffin was an intelligence report that I had gone to Papua New Guinea to seek effective witch doctor medicine to kill the president. The report recommended that I be arrested upon arrival and be charged for treason.

When the president looked back at the invitation letter from WTO he verified the authenticity and cautiously neglected the element of arrest. However, he made a decision to fire me together with those he had reasons to get rid of. But after that decision was implemented, he also made a decision to refer the intelligence allegations to another agent of the Secret Service unit so that they verify them. At the same time, he decided that my posting to the diplomatic service would be permanent until he stepped down as president. This in other words meant banishing me from Malawi through diplomatic service, so that I was no longer involved in local politics.

When the other Secret Service agent reviewed the reports, it discovered that they were all maliciously manufactured and there was no grain of truth. The author was invited for interrogation and he revealed that one cabinet minister had been instructing him to create those false stories against me at a cost. The discovery prompted the president to have the author of the fake reports relieved of his duties. The affected Minister was also eventually relieved of his cabinet post for giving false testimony against me and others.
I was eventually vindicated of all wrong doing.

This was possible because the president took time to verify the stories, though too late. Perhaps it worked well for me because God was on my side. There are, however, many others out there who have lost their privileged positions in the same manner. Truly, truly, I say to you: this trend continues particularly against hard working and honest people, who work to make a difference to their nations!

I now look back and thank God because if the president did not fire me that time, I would have probably been dead by now, under mysterious circumstances. I was hated for faithfully serving my country well and because the president used to openly show everybody how much he trusted and loved me.

Today, I smile because of the abundant grace, love and peace God continues to provide!
Thank you for showing your overwhelming interest in these real life experiences. We will surely meet again soon. God bless you.

Arrogant Mutharika fires Army general Nundwe


Malawi Defence Force (MDF) commander General Vincent Nundwe  has  has been replaced by Major General Andrew Lapken Namathanga as he will be” assigned other duties in the Public Service”, according to  a statement from the Office of President and Cabinet (OPC)

Namathanga’s appointment as commander of MDF and promotion from Major General to the rank of General is with immediate effect He was  appointed by President Peter Mutharika last year as Airforce Commander.

General Nundwe who is credited for ensuring that Malawi remains a peaceful country amid on-going electoral disputes could not be replaced by  his former deputy responsible for operations Lieutenant General Clement Namangale  who will also be redeployed to other public duties

General Nundwe replaced

President Mutharika has since appointed  MDF commander ( Landed Forces),  Brigadier General Davis Sesatino Mtachi  deputy  army commander, who for a long time served  as aide de camp to then president Bakili Muluzi.

Mtachi has also  been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-General.

Last year Mutharika appointed appointed Tri-Service Commanders and Deputy Commanders of the army  in line with Section 4 of the Defence Force Act (2018).

Chief Secretary to the Government Lloyd Muhara says President Mutharika has since appointed  Brigadier General Elias Mpaso as  Army Commander (Land Forces) and has been promoted to the rank of Major General.

Brigadier Francis Blessings Kakhuta-Banda  remains Maritime Force Commander but has been promoted to the rank of Major General.

The President has also appointed Brigadier General Ian Macleod Chirwa  as Air Force Commander and has been promoted to the rank of Major General.

Colonel Harrison Kandula  has been appointed Air Force Deputy Commander and has been promoted to the rank of Brigadier General while Colonel Desmond Chawanda  has been appointed Deputy Army Commander (Land Forces) and promoted to the rank of Brigadier General.

The statement further said  Colonel Richard Tobias  Chagonapanja remains Deputy Maritime Force Commander but has been promoted to the rank of Brigadier General.

Following the development, Nundwe  is expected to hand over the Sword of Command to his successor at Kamuzu Barracks parade square in Lilongwe at a date to be announced later, according to MDF.

Since 2011, there have been frequent changes in Army command after the then president the late Bingu wa Mutharika appointed Henry Odillo whom President Peter Mutharika sacked in June 2014.

Before 2011, the Army commander was Marko Chiziko who served for close to eight years.

When Joyce Banda became President in April 2012 in line with constitutional order following Bingu’s death, she maintained Odillo for his supposed heroic feats when he stood with her after Bingu’s death.

In 2016 President Peter Mutharika fired commander General Ignancio Maulana and replacing him with his former deputy Griffin Supuni-Phiri.

Supuni-Phiri, who for a long time served as Malawi’s military attache at the Malawi Mission at the United Nations and as aide de camp to then president Muluzi, was replaced by Nundwe as he proceeded to be presidential advisor on national security.

Private practiceLawyer John Gift Mwakhwawa,  a former president of Malawi Law Society (MLS),  observed that the country “will soon have a brigade if not barracks of early retired and energetic Generals and their deputies.

Kokoliliko Wave conquers Lilongwe as thousands throng to hear the MCP trio


By Chalo Mvula

What started a few weeks ago as mere public lectures has now grown into a big wave that is shaking every area it heads to. The MCP trio of Daud Suleman, Lackson Chimangeni and Tony Bendulo famously calling themselves Kokoliliko movement were on in Lilongwe this saturday where they made a few stops before thousands of people gathered at their rally in Mgona .

Suleman , Lackson and Bendulo who were thrown into the political scene by their appearance at key witnesses for MCP in the just ended electoral court case, have proved that not only do they have the energy and intelligence , but they have also grown to be a darling of the people and more and more people are interested to hear what the trio says.

Kokoliliko at Mgona in Lilongwe

The saturday event saw the kokoliko movement visit a number of areas in the district. They had a stop at Area 25 Sungwi area, Kauma, Senti before conducting a final rally at Mgona. As has been the case with most of their trips, the movement also took time to visit and donate items to Area 49 Tilinanu Orphanage. It has been the norm for the group, not to forget the needy but highlight the need for people to give the little that they can to those that are not previleged.

Charity works at Tilinanu Orphanage

The climax of the day was the thousands of people that gathered at Mgona. There was great excitement when the locals saw the MCP trio and were eager to listen to what the movement had brought to share with them . Speaking to the gathering , Daud Suleman reminded the people that in the forth coming election there is no any other choice but to vote for Dr Lazarus Chakwera ” We have come here to make sure that we encourage you to vote for Dr Lazarus Chakwera ” . He went further to articulate some of the policies from the MCP manifesto including the promise for more job creation under Chakwera. “Dr Chakwera is the only leader with policies that will develop Malawi. The youths need jobs and Chakwera government will create opportunities for jobs, will create opportunities for people to start businesses” highlighted Suleman.

One of the people who attended Mgona rally Jackson Mbewe , a local businessman in the area told this reporter that the Kokoliko rally had given him so much hope for his personal life as well as his business ” After listening to what these guys came to tell us today, i have made up my mind and will vote for Chakwera as only he, seems to be the candidate who will take Malawi forward. There is nothing new DPP can offer us now ” said Mbewe.

To sum up the successful trip Lackson Chimangeni told the masses that the Kokoliliko movement has just began and will go to each and every part of the country to meet voters and encourage them to go and vote for Chakwera in the forthcoming elections. The trio are due to visit Mponela

Diaspora MCP intensifies calls for Jane Ansah to be fired


By Durell Namasani

As Malawi prepares for fresh elections  due in May this year , the diaspora chapter of the Malawi Congress Party has added a voice to the growing calls that its time  for Malawi electoral commission chair Jane Ansah to go. Ansah oversaw the running of the last elections which were described as not credible by the court and nullified  as they were marred by malpractices including the vast use of the famous Tippex to manipulate the results 

Speaking to our reporter, the spokesperson for MCP Diaspora Wing Chalo Mvula said the MEC chair has lost the mandate to carry on to be the head of elections when the courts have already proved that she oversaw an election that was deemed a farce. ” In normal circumstances, Jane Ansah was meant to resign long time ago but it appears she has waged war against Malawians to try to prove a point , something which is absurd considering nobody except DPP has any confidence in her and her team “. Mvula elaborated that Malawians cannot expect a free and fair election with Ansah at the helm as she has got nothing new to offer

Jane Ansah has survived a wave of demonstrations conducted by the Human Rights Defender Coalition (HRDC) . She has been given deadlines so many times but she has refused to resign. She is on record as telling Malawians that she would only resign if the courts find her guilty of not conducting a fair election. In February the constituonal court judges nullified the results of the last election citing a number of irregularities under Ansah’s watch. Since then , the MEC chair has changed tune about resigning or retiring and has carried business as usual.

Mvula said MCP will communicate its position on the current structure of the electoral commuinication ” I am not in a position to say what MCP will do , but from a diaspora perspective it is our wish that Ansah should not run the forthcoming elections. Infact we want her , together with the current team of commissioners, including chief elections officer Alufandika to go “

MCP Diaspora spokesman Chalo Mvula and MEC chair Jane Ansah

Mvula took a swipe at State President Peter Mutharika for always having misplaced priorities.He said Mutharika was supposed to fire Ansah by now , rather than focusing of dissolving his cabinet. “President Mutharika thinks he can frustrate Malawians and the opposition by keeping Ansah but it will never work, we are giving him no choice but to fire Jane Ansah”.

Mvula went on to say a majority of Malawians in diaspora are looking forward to the forth coming elections as it offers opportunity for a fresh start far from from the rampant corruption, lack of rule of law, Nepotism ,lack of jobs and the many problems that have surfaced under DPP regime. Mvula reiterated that Malawians living in diaspora will not just sit down and watch Ansah mess up another election. ” We will closely work with foreign government and we will relentlessly keep calling for Mutharika to fire Ansah” concluded Mvula

New hit song by UK based Nic Thindwa applauds MCP,UTM alliance

By Durell Namasani

He is one of the popular Malawians artist in the diaspora who has never been afraid to express his political opinions through the art that he knows best. UK based Nic Thindwa has just announced the release of his latest single “Yalira Ng’oma” a song that is enjoying high downloads and has been the talk of the town with its timely theme of applauding the alliance that has just been agreed by Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and United Transformation Party (UTM)

This is not the first time that the rap/kwasa fused  singer has touched on political issues in his songs . He is well know  for the song” chakwera” which he originally sang to prop up campaign for Mike Bango, now member of parliament for  before releasing another version that focused on Dr Lazarus Chakwera campaign in the last election. The new song, however , sees Thindwa applauding MCP/UTM  alliance as the winning formula in the next presidential elections scheduled for May 19th.

Speaking to our reporter , Nic Thindwa said as an artist he is not afraid to make the public know which political spectrum  he belongs to “ I see the situation in Malawi, how poor people continues to struggle, the level of corruption by the ruling elite, Nepotism and lack of opportunity for the youths- these things makes me angry and i can only use the talent that i have to make my voice heard , said Thindwa. He also made it know that he is a member of the Malawi Congress Party diaspora Wing . “I have friends from all political parties  and that is why i am one of the people very excited to see Dr Chakwera and Dr Chilima going on the same ticket, the ticket that will save Malawi , added Thindwa

To spice up the release of the song , Thindwa  has made his song as an official artistic contribution by the MCP diaspora towards the campaign by Chakwera and Chilima. He is due  to release a video for it and will also perform at the forthcoming Tambala Night that is due to take place in the city of Derby on Saturday April 25 at Polish Centre in the city of Derby. Acknowledging Nic Thindwa good gesture , MCP Diaspora spokesperson  Chalo Mvula said the party welcomes Thindwas song to feature as part of the campaign. “Nic Thindwa is right in his song, the only way for Malawi to be saved is when people vote for Dr Lazarus Chakwera and together with our alliance partners UTM, PP,FP and afford ,we are ready to serve malawians for the better” said Mvula

The song Yalira Ng’oma  features Thindwas longtime artistic partner Pon G. The song can be downloaded from the download website