2023 Gonapamuhanya cultural festival on September 30

By Chisomo Phiri

The organisers of the Tumbuka cultural festival Gonapamuhanya in Rumphi say this year, the event celebration will take place on 30 September.

According to village headman Jeyeka who is organizing committee chairperson, the annual festival is expected to take place at Kadumulira cultural site in the district.

He said the budget for this year’s event is pegged at 50 million Kwacha.

GVH Jeyeka added that, so far, they have already communicated about the dates to government for its inputs.

Taking place once a year around August or September in Rumphi among the Tumbuka ethnic group of northern Malawi at Senior Chief Chikulamayembe’s Headquarters in Bolero, Gonapamuhanya is an annual event during which the Tumbuka people of Nkhamanga area in Rumphi commemorate the first Chikulamayembe.

Gonapamuhanya was the first Chikulamayembe to settle in the area where the Chikulamayembe chieftaincy is today at Bolero in Rumphi District.

It is commemorated through recounting of the history, economic activities and lineage of Chikulamayembe as well as traditional dances e.g. malipenga, chioda, mchoma, vimbuza, mbotosya, chikweta.