Pharmacy and Medicines Regulatory Authority launches strategic plan

By Dean Chisambo

The Malawi Pharmacy and Medicines Regulatory Authority has said the launch of a new five year strategic plan will ensure that demands are aligned with the 2019 Medicines and Poisons Act that looks after Medical devices and Traditional medicines.

Speaking during the launch in Lilongwe Director General for Phamarcy and Medicines Regulatory Authority
Rabson Kabaye said there are four strategic Pillars which are Regulatory system strengthening which will ensure quality management across all functions and pursue a recertification of laboratories that can bring eligible results after testing.

Njikho: the plan will work on capacity building

He said: “technological medical screening is another pillar under this strategic plan to ensure that laboratories do their intended functions for our clients. And Organizational structure strengthening through functional review which was already approved by the Government is also an important aspect of the plan.”

In his remarks Deputy Director for Health Services at United States of America International Development (USAID) to Malawi Hardon Njikho explained the importance of the strategic plan for Authority saying it will will smoothly work on capacity building within its institution.

Njikho said : “We have supported the Authority with more supply chain process and we will continue working together within their mandate to ensure that the sector is well regulated.”

In his part Parliamentary Committee Chairperson on Health Matthews Ngwale expressed gratitude for Pharmacy and Medicines Regulatory Authority to come up with a plan and they have promised the support to the authority.

Ngwale added that the strategic plan will also help regulate the import of medicines in the country, unlike in the past when companies and Central medical stores would just buy it without testing.

The launch of the five years strategic plan was spiced by the health experts, international development partners, the parliamentarians, the academia and the civil society organisations (CSO’s).

Ngwale (centre), Njikho (right) and address Malata (left) during the launch