Muvi wa Chilungamo urges members to become disciples for its manifesto

By Vincent Gunde

President of Muvi wa Chilungamo Revolutionary Party (MRP) Bantu Saunders Jumah, has urged all Revolutionaries that time is now to get deep and memorize the sacred pamphlet “MRP Manifesto” and become disciples to spread the same to all the people for them to see the need to be unchained and freed.

Jumah said MRP calendar now begins of registering members who want to join the Revolution, creating structures and satellites across the country so that this “Blanket of Revolution” covers the whole country reminding them the secretive Bible verse which says “Fear is a sin”.

He said Revolution and fear are sworn enemies believing that all comrades in MRP are Revolutionaries and their enemy number one is fear saying the journey has now begun, it is time for Exodus as they have just completed the first chapter of Genesis.


In an internal memorandum to all Revolutionaries from bottom to top, Jumah has advised them that this is the time to dust themselves up, rise from the ashes, pick up the strength and go out to meet 20 million citizens and Revolutionize their minds to move out from the comfort of poverty manufactured for them by political thieves to now say “Enough is Enough”.

Jumah said he is aware that some of them may be scared, be under pressure, feel less strong to combat and win this battle, assuring them that by joining the Revolution and choose not to follow the Elite politics of corruption, tribalism, regionalism, nepotism, favoritism, and self-centred enrichment, they are true Revolutionaries.

He said all must know and be aware that political thieves are living in comfort zone because they know that their people are chained towards their Elite-composed by corruption which is the people’s money (taxes).

The MRP President said the laws of Malawi have now opened the door for them, the registration of MRP does not mean enjoyment, laxity, and comfort, saying the registration has permitted them to get into Genesis of true and total liberation of the nation.

“It is the beginning of a tough journey, a rough struggle to unchain not only politicians and their allies but to unchain their people that have been addicted to believe that poverty is a creation by God,” reads part of an internal memo.

He said the task of unchaining the Mindset of the people to believing and depending on political thieves for their survival and livelihoods is very huge until the people come to understand that they are chained, they will not succeed with this Revolution.

Jumah said this job of unchaining the 20 million plus people to be unchaining the Elites who are political thieves won’t be won easily or simple saying it requires true Revolutionary Mindset Change which is MRP’s cornerstone number two in their set up.

He said Malawians can no longer be puppets of thieves in political suits, this is the time for them to unchain themselves and freed themselves and demand their taxes to good and better use that reflects on them