Malawi’s golden fruit:The untapped potential of Mangoes and the fight against losses

By Twink Jones Gadama

Hidden amid the lush landscapes of Malawi, Africa’s warm heart, lies a hidden treasure – mangoes.

This hidden treasure-mangoes is currently in season and and a number of local markets are ballooned with mangoes.

Malawi’s reputation as Africa’s top producer of mangoes, contributing significantly to the global market.

With an impressive annual production of about 1.7 Million Metric Tons (MTs), the country secures the eighth position worldwide.

However, beneath this sweet success story, a bitter truth prevails – a staggering 60% of these golden fruits are lost due to pre-harvest or post-harvest setbacks.

The Challenge of Losses

Despite Malawi’s abundance in mango production, the country faces substantial losses during every stage of the mango’s journey from tree to table.

Pre-harvest losses, including pests, diseases, and unpredictable weather conditions, take their toll on farmers’ efforts.

On the other hand, post-harvest losses occur during transportation, poor storage facilities, lack of access to markets, and limited processing capacity.

This unfortunate situation not only impacts the income of farmers but also deprives consumers of a nutritious and delicious staple.

Agricultural Potential Beyond Mangoes

While the mango industry in Malawi cries out for attention, the country’s agricultural sector holds untapped potential waiting to be explored.

Blessed with fertile soil, a favorable climate, and a plethora of other tropical fruits, such as pawpaws, bananas, and avocados, Malawi possesses the key ingredients for a diversified agricultural landscape.

Capitalizing on this potential will not only reduce losses but also create new opportunities for economic growth and food security.

Efforts to Stem Losses

The government, in collaboration with international organizations and local agricultural stakeholders, is committed to addressing the issues that plague the mango industry.

Through initiatives like technical training, improved access to affordable fertilizers and pesticides, and the development of post-harvest infrastructure, Malawi is steadily making progress in mitigating losses and empowering mango farmers across the country.

Additionally, promoting value addition through processing and packaging techniques will unlock the export potential of Malawi’s mangoes, adding value to the entire supply chain.

The Path Towards a Golden Future

Malawi’s journey to overcome mango losses is not without its obstacles. However, the potential for growth is immense.

Increasing investments in agricultural research and development, establishing cooperative structures for small-scale farmers, and strengthening market linkages are crucial steps to unlocking the full potential of Malawi’s mango industry.

Moreover, partnering with regional and international markets will open doors for exports, fostering economic growth and elevating Malawi’s position on the global stage.


Malawi, known as the warm heart of Africa, is also the proud producer of mangoes, tantalizingly sweet and ripe with potential.

As the nation grapples with the challenge of reducing losses, it is essential to recognize the need for collective action and sustained support.

By harnessing the bountiful resources within its borders, Malawi can transform its mango industry into a thriving sector that empowers farmers, feeds the nation, and provides a delicious taste of Malawian excellence to the world.

It is time to nurture this golden fruit and unleash its true potential.