Mass Exodus from DPP as 4  more big names defects to MCP

By Durrell Namasani

It never rains but pours for the once Mighty Democratic Progressive Party. As if the fight with Kondwani Nankhumwa over who is the Leader of Opposition isn’t enough,the party has been dying a slow painful death as three more prominent members have jumped ship to MCP.

It has been announced that the four  prominent members are Ralph Mhone,  former People’s Party Vice President, Ephraim Mganda Chiume, former DPP Vice Secretary General, Miriam Chimbalanga, former DPP Director of women and DPP member of parliament for Chitipa South constituency Welani Chilenga.

Being welcomed in MCP

It’s not long ago when the party also lost heavyweight in Uladi Mussa who also jumped ship to MCP

In January this year, DPP Central Executive Committee expelled from the party, its former Vice president for the southern region Kondwani Nankhumwa, former secretary general Grizelder Jeffrey, and former Director of women Cecilia Chazama.

DPP leader and Former Malawi President Arthur Peter Mutharika is scheduled to address Malawians on Friday. It is not known yet whether he will address the current crisis of the mass exodus of the party members to MCP