Jumbe demands Chilumpha’s treason case be withdrawn

By Vincent Gunde

President of Chilungamo Party (CP) Alhaji Imraan Jumbe, has called upon the Malawi Government led by the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) to immediately withdraw the dormant case of Dr. Cassim Chilumpha and compensate him with K24 billion as justice delayed is indeed justice denied.

Jumbe says in a democratic society, the judiciary must serve as a pillar of fairness and prompt justice, unfortunately, the protracted legal battle forced by Dr. Chilumpha accused of Treason nearly two decades ago, highlights a grave miscarriage of justice in Malawi.

He says the case against Dr.Chilumpha accused of high-profile treason has languished in the courts for almost 20 years without resolution observing that such an extensive delay is not only unjust but also undermines the credibility of the legal system in Malawi.

Writing on his official face book page, Alhaji Jumbe says the protracted nature of this trial has deprived Dr. Chilumpha of his fundamental right to a timely and fair trial leaving him in a perpetual state of legal limbo.

Jumbe says when leaders allow politically motivated prosecutions to persist, it reflects a dangerous blend of power drunkenness and abdication of responsibility saying it is imperative for the current administration to break this cycle and demonstrate a commitment to genuine justice.

He  claims that Malawians commended the MCP Government for discontinuing the politically charged case against former President of the Republic Dr. Bakili Muluzi recognizing it as an exercise in political manipulation rather than a pursuit of justice.

The CP President says the decision to drop corruption charges against the current Vice President Dr. Saulosi Chilima, despite the widespread involvement of high-ranking officials allegedly to have benefited from Zuneth Sattar corruption basket fund, reflects an understanding that selective justice serves no one’s interest.

“The continued pursuit of Dr. Chilumpha’s case contradicts this principle, if justice Is to be consistent and impartial, it must be applied equally.” reads Alhaji Jumbe’s post on Facebook.

He says singling out individuals for prolonged legal battles while turning a blind eye to broader systematic issues is inherently unjust urging the authorities in Malawi to discontinue the case against Dr. Chilumpha and acknowledge the undue suffering he has endured.

Alhaji Jumbe says beyond discontinuing the case, it is only fair that Dr. Chilumpha be compensated for the years of his life marred by this prolonged legal ordeal saying he has requested K24 billion a sum that reflects not only the financial and reputation damage he has suffered.