Chakwera attends collection of the remains of late Chilima

By Elia Chibwe

President President, Dr Lazarus Chakwera and First Lady, Madame Monica Chakwera, on Friday afternoon attended the ceremony of collecting the remains of the late Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima from Goodwill Funeral Home in Area 4 Lilongwe to St Patrick Parish Church in Area 18.

Mourners, Ministers, Malawi Defence Force and Police Officers and other government officials, MPs, political parties and Church leaders including Roman Catholic priests and their members, and a large number of people from different corners of the country gathered at the mortuary to attend the ceremony.

Rev. Father Augustine Katundu presided over congregation with prayers.

The body was carried from Goodwill Funeral Home in Area 4 at 2:00 pm to St Patrick’s Parish Church for Requiem Mass to honour the late Chilima.