Vice President Dr. Michael Usi returns to his roots

By Burnett Munthali

Vice President Dr. Michael Usi has made a notable return to his home village of Golden, situated in TA Chikumbu, Mulanje Central. This visit, which aims to address members of the UTM party, local peers, and traditional leaders, underscores his commitment to reconnecting with his roots and engaging directly with his community.

In Golden, Dr. Usi has been actively involved in discussions with UTM party members, offering insights into party strategies and future plans. His presence serves as a testament to his dedication to strengthening party ties at the grassroots level. Additionally, his interactions with local peers and traditional leaders highlight the importance of integrating traditional wisdom with modern governance to address community needs effectively.

The visit not only reaffirms Dr. Usi’s personal and political connections to his home village but also reflects a broader effort to ensure that national policies and initiatives resonate with local realities. By engaging with traditional leaders and community members, Dr. Usi aims to foster a more inclusive approach to leadership and development.