VP Usi engages EU, World Bank and Norway on key national issues

By Andrew Magombo.

Vice President Dr. Michael Bizwick Usi held a series of important meetings today with representatives from the European Union, the World Bank, and Norway.

The discussions, which took place at the Office of the Vice President at Capital Hill in Lilongwe, focused on crucial topics such as climate financing and public sector reforms.

One of the key issues on the table was Climate Finance Instruments, where the parties explored innovative ways to address climate change.

The talks also looked at how Malawi and other Least Developed Countries (LDCs) can access more climate financing ahead of the COP 29 summit, scheduled to take place in Azerbaijan in November 2024.

Another significant area of discussion was Public Sector Reforms.

The focus here was on building strategic partnerships to strengthen institutional capacity, promote transparency, and ensure greater accountability within the public sector.

These meetings reflect Dr. Usi’s commitment to driving forward national development by engaging with key international partners to support Malawi’s goals on climate action and public sector transformation.