Mchinji court acquits bakery salesman on theft charges

By Andrew Magombo

The First Grade Magistrate Court in Mchinji has acquitted Chikondi Makumbi, a bakery salesman, who was charged with theft by a servant after being accused of stealing K1 million from his employer, Capital Bakery.

Makumbi was arrested in April 2024 following the allegation that he had misappropriated the money.

After his arrest, his mother sought assistance from the Legal Aid Bureau(LAB), leading to his defense being taken up by Senior LAB Advocate Gift Somba and LAB Officer Glory Namisengo.

The case stemmed from an incident at the bakery in December 2023 when a K1 million shortfall was discovered.

Makumbi had been working with a colleague who had been previously caught stealing bread.

The two were confronted by management and asked to reimburse the missing money, which they did by securing a loan from a loan shark.

However, by early 2024, Makumbi stopped receiving his salary, making it impossible for him to repay the loan.

In response, the loan shark allegedly went to the bakery and took K1 million by force, which led to Makumbi’s arrest.

In court, Makumbi denied the charge, and the State presented three witnesses to support their case.

Despite this, inconsistencies in the evidence, particularly discrepancies in stock-taking figures, raised doubts about the case.

It was also revealed that Makumbi was not the only person with access to the bakery’s funds.

The court agreed with the defense’s observations, concluding that the prosecution had not proven the case beyond reasonable doubt.

As a result, Makumbi was acquitted and set free.

Makumbi, alongside his legal counsel, expressed relief following the court’s decision.