By Wadza Botomani
The leader of PDP party Kondwani Nankhumwa had thousands of people embracing and welcoming him during his tour of Mulanje.
Nankhumwa exploits started yesterday After a very successful meeting with People’s Development Party (PDP) Area committee structures at Chindola Primary School in Mulanje Southwest constituency
Today ,Nankhumwa undertook a similar assignment in Mulanje Bale constituency.
In his message to the masses at Chinyama Court ground is simple he said “let us not be cowed, PDP is now stronger than they think, and our resolve is unshakable. We must stand up and be counted. This is our moment to show that we are different; that we are determined; and that we are here to build a future for Malawi”
Nankhumwa encouraged leaders to encourage all Malawians in the constituency to vote for a PDP President, PDP Member of Parliament, and PDP Councillors come the elections in September 2025.