NatureKit donates 30 desks at Nkhanga primary school

By Chisomo Phiri

In an effort to promote quality education in the country, Kasungu-based non-govenmental organization, NatureKit on Wednesday donated 30 desks at Nkhanga primary school of mbambo village, Sub-Traditional Authority ( STA )chisinga in kasungu.

Speaking after the donation,programs coordinator, Nebert Mtika said the donation was a reaction to the school management’s request indicating that the school has been operating for years without desks in all eight classes.

Mtika said the desks will now ease some of the challenges that the learners at the school face during learning and provide conducive learning environment for the them.
” I hope the the desks will definitely provide a better learning environment to the learners. Sitting on the floor is very tiring and reduces concentration in learners. We hope that this donation has come at the right time for them”, he said.

Mtika called on government and other well-wishers to emulate what NatureKit has done and rescue over 700 learners who are sitting on the floor when learning.
” At Naturekit, we have managed to donate 30 desks and we know they are not enough. We are therefore, calling for more well-wishers to come in and support the school which has about 700 learners in total”, said Mtika.

In her remarks, one of the school teachers Zelifa Chimwala commended Naturekit for the donation saying this will now help learners at the school to work and improve on their daily attendances.
Chimwala also called on other well-wishers to join the move and support the school with desks in all classes saying this is the only way where learners can work hard in their classes.
” To say the truth, this challenge is contributing to poor attendance among the learners. We are experiencing low class attendances because of this challenge as most of the time, the learners do not feel comfortable sitting on the floor while learning.
We are very happy that Naturekit has done its part in supporting us, we feel honored with the donation and we are calling on other well-wishers to do what Naturekit has done”, said Chimawala.

Naturekit is is a youth-led organization which tackles issues pertaining to environmental conservation with an aim of changing youths and community mindset towards environmental conservation so as to support biodiversity and ecosystem.
The donation was made possible with the financial support from umunthu movement and Evodrop.