By Staff Reporter
Ministry of Foreign affairs is encouraging Malawians to join a real Estate Webinar targeting Malawians in the Diaspora in order to encourage Diaspora, to buy land and information on infrastructure investments in the country.
In an official statement , John Kabaghe Foreign: Secretary For Foreign Affairs writes, I have the honour to inform you that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the various stakeholders will, on Saturday, 15th January, 2022, host a Webinar on Real Estate Investment for Malawians in Diaspora, and would like to request your assistance in disseminating the notice to Malawians resident in countries of your accreditation.
The Webinar has been organised to open communication channels between Malawians in Diaspora and various stakeholders in Malawi in the real estate sector in order to address questions and concerns that Malawians in Diaspora raise from time to time on the subject during interactions with Government.
The Webinar is scheduled to start at 7:00 p.m. Central African Time, and will be held via the following Zoom link:
The Zoom Joining link details are as follows SEdXNWtSdzNJYO INK2Z30T09
Meeting ID: 818 0032 4707
Passcode: 059990