Don’t expect much from Chilima statement – He won’t resign, Won’t walk away but will deliver some ‘Miyambi’

By Wadza Botomani

As UTM supporters and some interested Malawians are eagerly waiting for Vice President Saulos Chilima to address the nation on the recent developments where his name has been mentioned in corrupt activities involving Zuneth Sattar- I have some news for you. The Vice President will deliver little and his statement will be empty with focus on just trying to clear his name

Chilima has been on this position before. A situation where the nation awaited him to say something that would shock the nation- this was at the time when DPP government had sidelined him. But when it came to time, he just fluffed his lines and opted to stay in government ,earning money while not doing any work

If Malawians are expecting that Chilima will come out today and say he will resign, forget it..he doesn’t have the balls or is he a truthful character that would see that it’s necessary for him to resign on his own. If Malawians are expecting that Chilima will come out and say he has walked away from Tonse Alliance, forget it- he can’t walk away as his political lifeline at the moment belongs to Tonse – without it he is vulnerable and exposed. 2025 is just too far for him to take that risk

Benefitted from Sattar? Chilima to clear his name

One thing guaranteed from today’s press statement is that the Vice President will use his Marketing background to plant conspiracy theories in Malawians minds. He will try to portray that all these corrupt activities are a ploy by his political enemies to finish him off.

Chilima will avoid to attack the British Authorities who through the National Crime Agency are investigating Zuneth Sattar and his corrupt activities that have implicated the Vice President.

All in all, Chilima’s statement today is just pure spin to save his political face. He has nothing tangible to say- Still we are guaranteed to learn one or two new proverbs.