By Josephine Chibwe
A Malawians based in the City of Nottingham has been caught red handed making arrangements to have sex with an underage girl. Jerzavelli Simfukwe was caught on Saturday by the Vigilante group who acts as decoys in order to trap pedophiles that are targeting underage girls and boys.
In the video that was broadcast live by the Vigilante group called Stopteam sees Simfukwe caught unawares as he thought he would be meeting his victims

When cornered with questions and evidence from his Facebook conversation with who he thought was a girl, Simfukwe admitted that it was him sending the naughty messages and that he was sorry.
It was however too late for the Malawian as the group had collected enough evidence to present to the Police. Simfukwe who said he didn’t know that what he was doing is wrong only came to UK recently. His attempt to play a blinder fell flat when he was asked the age of consent in Malawi and he said 18. He was challenged then,that even by Malawi standard he had committed a crime as the girl he wanted to sleep with had told him that she was young and only 14 years old
Simfukwe will be kept in remand and charged . If found guilty he risks his visa being cancelled and be deported back to Malawi