No Bail for Mneneli Yoswa -Judge to decide on Tuesday

By Wadza Botomani and Cathy Maulidi

Joshua Chisa Mbele, commonly known as Mneneri Yoswa hopes of being released on bail today has hit a blank wall after Chief resident magistrate Madalitso Khoswe reserved ruling until Tuesday 1st November.Mbele other individuals that were arrested last Friday following the demonstrations

In a court appearance today the group pleaded not guilty to two charges being levelled against them.
The first count; Contravening a written notice by the district commissioner in relation to the demonstrations and particulars states that the six failed to comply with a written notice from the DC not to proceed with the demos to State house.

Yoswa on his way to court

Second count; Inciting violence, the particulars states that Mbele and the others told the people that assembled at the demonstrations to physically attack shop owners and other individuals that were not taking part in the demos.

The State has told the Court that they have 7 witnesses to testify against the accused, State however says, the witnesses are not ready therefore they will not be able to proceed today.

Defense was represented by lawyer Gilbert Khonyongwa