McLuther set to drop ‘The Dream’ album tonight

By Andrew Mwanandiye Tembo

As part of encouraging and setting a good example of how potential youths in the music industry should be, McLuther, a son to Malawi’s renowned human rights activist Luther Mambala is this evening set to release a new album titled ‘The Dream’.

Speaking during the Media briefing in Blantyre on Friday,the musician said a lot of young musicians underrate themselves and fail to succeed in their music career ,hence his album which will serve as part of an encouragement to gain confidence.

“I have released the album which is called’ The Dreams’just to assure fellow youths that we have got the potential to promote our lives through Music,right here in Malawi_”said McLuther.

He added :”I gathered the courage to release the album in Indie Pop,after Benedicto Been Nkhoma ,one of the best social media commentators on his inspirational and Motivational Facebook page”

On his part,Benedicto Bena Nkhoma urged youths in Arts to emulate the example of McLuther ,if they have to be better in the music industry.

‘The Dream’ ,which is in Indie Pop was recorded by chiyanjano Mbedza(CIA)this year at Incredible Records and its video production was done by Godwill Kachigwali(Wilz)

The album is an inspiration to youths at large in the country

It was done in the direction of Benedicto Bena Nkhoma through Facebook.