A missed opportunity for unity at Mlhako wa Alhomwe

By Linda Kwanjana

On Sunday 8 October , 2023, the recent past Malawi President Peter Mutharika presided over the Mulhako wa Alhomwe cultural festival which took place at Chonde, traditional Authority Chimaliro in Thyolo.

The function was attended by people from all political parties and other sectors.

During the meeting, Mutharika who was president of Malawi from 2014 to 2020, said he will bounce back in 2025 and fix the economic challenges Malawians are facing.

Mutharika at Mulhakho

He claimed that the economic challenges such as fuel scarcity, rise in prices of goods and forex shortage — which Malawians are facing under the current administration will be fixed if he wins the presidential elections in 2025.

He also chided Malawians for not heeding his warnings during the campaign period for the 2020 fresh presidential elections which ushered Chakwera into power.

Yesterday, Mutharika said it is this bad choice which has caused challenges people in the country are facing.

This is the first time Mutharika has publicy talked about his plan to contest in the 2025 presidential elections.

Two analysts whom we spoke to have criticized Mutharika for turning the cultural grouping into a political platform.

Christopher Tsoka of National Development Thinktank (NDT) says Mutharika should know the difference of the two events.

Tsoka said Mutharika missed an opportunity to preach peace and unity especially during this time around where the country is devided due to several factors which include politics.

“It is sad that Mutharika was given such a platform only to find him abusing the same. Mutharika should differenciate politics and traditional issues,” he said.

Tsoka said next time let Mutharika find good platform of announcing about his come back.