Biden shifts stance on Supreme Court reform, prioritizes major changes

By Burnett Munthali

In a significant policy reversal, President Joe Biden has announced that Supreme Court reform will be a top priority for the remainder of his term. This shift comes after mounting pressure from Democratic Party officials and a challenging debate performance in June, which led to Biden’s decision not to seek re-election.

On Wednesday, Biden articulated his intention to pursue substantial changes to the Supreme Court. The proposed reforms include:

Firstly, Biden is expected to propose setting term limits for Supreme Court justices. This would require a constitutional amendment, a challenging process that demands approval from two-thirds of both the House and Senate, and ratification by three-fourths of the states.


Secondly , another key reform involves establishing an enforceable code of ethics for justices. This measure, which could be enacted by Congress, aims to address concerns about the Court’s conduct and accountability.

Biden’s move comes in response to recent decisions by the Court that have been widely criticized, including rulings on voting rights, civil rights, and reproductive rights. The Court’s July decision, which granted presidents immunity for “official acts” while in office, particularly fueled Biden’s reform agenda. This ruling stemmed from a case involving former President Donald Trump.

Biden is also expected to support a constitutional amendment to limit immunity for presidents and other high officeholders. This proposed amendment would seek to address the Court’s recent ruling that presidents cannot be prosecuted for actions taken while in office, a decision that Biden and others argue undermines the rule of law.

Amending the Constitution is a formidable task. Any proposed amendment requires a two-thirds majority in both the House and Senate and must be ratified by 38 states. The process is deliberately rigorous to ensure broad consensus.

The proposed code of ethics, while more feasible, will still face challenges in Congress. The debate over Supreme Court reform is likely to be contentious, with significant opposition expected from those who argue that such changes could undermine the independence of the judiciary.

In his public remarks following the Court’s controversial rulings, Biden condemned the decisions as attacks on established legal principles. He criticized the Court for eroding voting rights, civil rights, and reproductive freedoms, framing these issues as critical challenges that need urgent reform.

Biden’s renewed focus on Supreme Court reform reflects broader concerns within the Democratic Party about the Court’s direction and its impact on American law and society. As his term progresses, the success of these reforms will depend on navigating complex legislative hurdles and building bipartisan support.

In conclusion, President Joe Biden’s shift towards advocating for Supreme Court reform represents a significant change in his policy priorities. With proposals to establish term limits for justices and enforce a code of ethics, Biden aims to address recent controversial rulings and restore public confidence in the judiciary. The path to implementing these changes will be challenging, involving both constitutional and legislative processes, but Biden’s commitment signals a decisive move towards addressing longstanding concerns about the Supreme Court’s role and conduct.