Billy Malata announces bid for DPP presidency

By Chisomo Phiri

Former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Deputy Director of Political Affairs, Billy Malata, has announced his intention to contest for the party’s presidency at the upcoming elective convention.

Malata, who was expelled from the DPP for breaching its rules and regulations, told local media that he is prepared for legal challenges if the party attempts to block his candidacy.


“Although the party officials expelled me, I didn’t join any other party because I intended to contest the DPP presidency,” said Malata.

Meanwhile, the party’s spokesperson, Shadric Namalomba, says it is too early to comment on the matter.

The DPP will hold its elective convention from August 17 to 18, 2024, in Blantyre.

The party was ousted from power in the June 23, 2020, court-sanctioned fresh presidential elections.