Blantyre rated Malawi’s most expensive city

By Chisomo Phiri

A Cost of Living report by Centre for Social Concern (CfSC) has revealed that Blantyre remains the most expensive city for consumers in Malawi.

According to the report released on Tuesday June 20,2023, as of May, a family of six people needed K446,610 per month to afford basic needs such as food, shelter and clothes in Blantyre.

The report shows that Lilongwe is the second most expensive city where a household needs K392,644 to meet basic needs.

Blantyre- Expensive city to live in

While Mzuzu is considered as the least expensive city for consumers, where a household needs K365,031.

Zomba is second from last with a household needing K390,112 per month to survive.

The Centre for Social Concern (CfSC) is a faith-based organisation founded in 2002 as a project of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers).

The CfSC subscribes to the White Fathers’ objective of promoting a just society and dialogue with the people of other faiths and cultures.

The organisation applies the Gospel values and principles of the Catholic Social Teaching (CST) through publications, workshops and training programmes.

The primary target of the Centre is the Church itself and the faith communities at large.

Beyond these primary target groups, the activities of the Centre also target directly or indirectly other groups like, public policy makers, legislators, structures of social justice, relevant international bodies connected to the issues of social and economic justice and CfSC’s like-minded organisations that are critical in the field of lobbying, advocacy, dialogue justice and peace.