Chakwera applauds health workers

By Cedric Nkungula

President Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera has saluted health workers in the country for making huge personal sacrifices in rendering tireless services to the nation.

Speaking in Chiradzulu during Chilembwe Day commemoration, the president acknowledged that health personnel across the country forgo public holidays, year in and year out to render their services to Malawians.

President Chakwera

“They make alot of sacrifices.They don’t know Christmas, they don’t know public holidays. For example today is a public holiday but they are busy working. That is the spirit of John Chilembwe,” he emphasized.

Chakwera who thereafter declared the newly inaugurated government hospital in Phalombe as John Chilembwe Hospital in honour of the fallen hero described the late Reverend John Chilembwe as someone who was “ahead of Malawi Vision 2063.”

On this note, Chakwera emphasised that the late Chilembwe, unlike many modern churches and missions, he advanced industrialisation as one major way of developing the country.

He said that is why his government is vigorously pursuing industrialisation drive as espoused in the Malawi Vision 2063, which is the country’s second long – term national development plan.