Clarifying the Rumors: DPP Denies Meeting Between APM and Mtambo

By Burnett Munthali

Recent speculation regarding a supposed meeting between former President Arthur Peter Mutharika (APM) and activist Timothy Mtambo has sparked considerable discussion within Malawian political circles. Allegations suggested that Mtambo had offered an apology to APM, a claim that has now been categorically denied by Shadric Namalomba, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential spokesperson and national publicity secretary.

Namalomba stated, “It’s not true that APM met Mtambo and that Mtambo apologized.” This denial aims to set the record straight amid a flurry of media reports that seemed to suggest a reconciliation between the two figures.


It’s important to note that Namalomba’s comments were made without prior consultation from the article’s author, raising questions about the reliability of the sources from which these rumors originated. The absence of direct communication highlights a common issue in political journalism: the need for thorough verification of claims before publication.

Mtambo, known for his vocal criticism of Mutharika’s administration, has been a significant figure in Malawi’s political landscape, advocating for democratic reforms and accountability. Any suggestion of an apology would have significant implications for both his reputation and the public’s perception of the DPP, making such claims particularly sensitive.

The DPP’s official response underscores the potential dangers of misinformation in politics. Misunderstandings or unfounded rumors can shape public opinion and influence political narratives, often with long-lasting effects.

As Malawi continues to grapple with its political dynamics, the importance of accuracy and accountability in media reporting cannot be overstated. The denial by Namalomba serves as a reminder for journalists and the public alike to approach such claims with caution, ensuring that discussions around political figures are grounded in verified facts rather than speculation.

In summary, the DPP’s clarification dispels the notion of an apology from Mtambo to APM, reinforcing the need for careful reporting and verification in the complex realm of Malawian politics.