Dalitso Kabambe threatens Malata with Court action

By Durrell Namasani

The Senior Member of Democratic Progressive Party and Former Reserve Bank Governor Dalitso Kabambe has threated that he will take party member Billy Malata to court

In a letter from Silungwe Consultants, Kabambe has give Malata 24 hours to retract and apologise for a post on WhatsApp or risk facing legal action. Kabambe has claimed that finds Malata’s post defamatory.


In the post, Malata is alleging that Kabambe sponsored him to engage in “dirty moves” fighting against DPP president Professor Peter Mutharika.

Malata has acknowledged seeing the letter on social media but it’s yet to officially reach him. He is adamant that he will make a decision on what to do next and on whether to engage his lawyers. Malata refused to say whether he is ready to apologise

Until recently when Former President Peter Mutharika declared that he will stand again, Kabambe was one of the front runners in the leadership of DPP. Many people still believe Mutharika is paving the way for Kabambe to take over the party