DPP Calls for MEC Chair Anabel Mtalimanja’s Resignation, Citing Conflict of Interest and Bias Fears

By Twink Jones Gadama

The opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has written to the newly appointed Chairperson of the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC), Anabel Mtalimanja, demanding her resignation from the position.

The party’s secretary general, Dr. Clement Chancy Mwale, signed the letter, citing Mtalimanja’s family ties to the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) as the reason for their demand.

According to the DPP, Mtalimanja’s biological father, the late John Zenus Ungapake Tembo, was a prominent figure in the MCP, having served in various capacities, including Treasurer General, Vice President, and eventually President of the party.

The party fears that Mtalimanja’s appointment would compromise her impartiality and integrity, potentially biasing the electoral process in favor of the MCP.

The DPP’s concerns are rooted in the fact that the MCP will be fielding candidates in all constituencies, including the presidential race.


The party believes that Mtalimanja’s strong family ties to the MCP would undermine her ability to remain neutral and oversee a free and fair electoral process.

“The people of Malawi deserve an electoral process that is transparent, credible, and unbiased,” Dr. Mwale said in the letter.

“With your family’s history and ties to the MCP, we fear that your appointment would compromise the integrity of the electoral process and malign your own credibility.”

The DPP’s move has sparked a heated debate in political circles, with some arguing that the party is attempting to discredit the MEC chairperson and undermine the electoral process.

Others have praised the DPP for standing up for the principles of fairness and transparency.

Mtalimanja has yet to respond to the DPP’s demands, and it remains to be seen whether she will heed the call to resign.

The MEC has also remained silent on the matter, fueling speculation about the commission’s stance on the issue.

As Malawi prepares for the upcoming elections, the controversy surrounding Mtalimanja’s appointment has raised questions about the country’s ability to hold a credible and transparent electoral process.

The DPP’s move has added fuel to the fire, and the nation waits with bated breath for the outcome of this political showdown.

Political analysts have weighed in on the matter, with some arguing that the DPP’s move is a tactical maneuver to discredit the MEC and gain an upper hand in the elections.

Others have praised the party for taking a stand against what they see as a clear conflict of interest.

As the drama unfolds, one thing is certain – the fate of Malawi’s electoral process hangs in the balance, and the nation can only wait and see what the future holds.

In a related development, the MCP has come out in defense of Mtalimanja, dismissing the DPP’s claims as baseless and politically motivated.

The party’s secretary general, Eisenhower Mkaka, described the DPP’s move as a desperate attempt to discredit the MEC and undermine the electoral process.

The developments have raised questions about the independence and impartiality of the MEC, and the nation waits with bated breath for the outcome of this political standoff.

One thing is certain – the fate of Malawi’s democracy hangs in the balance, and the nation can only hope for a peaceful and credible electoral process.