DPP gets together ahead of 2025 elections! offers reconciliation to its prodigal Sons and daughters

By Burnett Munthali

The Democratic Progressive Party-DPP which Afrobarometer has predicted will win next year elections has embarked on a regrouping exercise to consolidate it’s political strength ahead of next years’ polls.

In a latest move, through it’s leader, a distinguished Professor of Law who is celebrated as a living democrat and peace loving leader, His Excellency Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, the party has so far welcomed back its members who were misled by some rebel politicians.

However, with this latest move, it is expected that more people who quit and joined other parties but still believe in DPP values are bound to return to the Mighty DPP.

Mutharika and the Northern leaders

Meanwhile, the DPP is expected to hold another massive rally in a date to be announced soon in the near future in Mzuzu following a very successful rally held at Njamba Freedom Park on 12 May 2024.

The recent released Afro-barometer report in 2022 favoured opposition DPP saying Malawians are tired of MCP and want DPP back in government.

DPP beat MCP in all categories by double digits as UTM was nowhere to be seen to compete at national level.

DPP got a 15 point lead over Tonse Alliance (both UTM and MCP) combined


Going into figures as issued by Afro- Barometer

35% of town men would vote for DPP while 21% would go for MCP and 13% for UTM. The report also says DPP would amass 43% of men voting for it while MCP gets 27.5% and UTM scored 6.5%.

In the rural areas DPP still commands a comfortable lead of 43% while MCP comes in with 27.5% and their major alliance partner UTM scores a meagre 6.5%.

In trading centers MCP beat DPP with 23.8% while DPP came closely second with 21.9% and UTM got 17.3%/

The report also says 40% of men would vote for DPP while MCP scores distance second with 25.7% and UTM further distance at 8.8%

And for women, DPP still topping with 41.7% while MCP comes second with 27.3% and UTM scores 6.7%

According to the university of Malawi, they have indicated that DPP has 41.2% and MCP at 26.4% and UTM gets 7.9%.

In nutshell no party can win an election alone without partnership.

If DPP makes an alliance with UTM the total votes would be 49.6%

While if MCP goes into alliance with UTM, total votes would they get 34.3%