DPP leaders attend UDF National Elective Conference at COMESA Hall

By Burnett Munthali

Blantyre, Malawi — In a significant show of inter-party engagement, members of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) politburo, led by Administrative Secretary Hon. Francis S. Mphepo and National Director of Women Mary Navicha, attended the United Democratic Front (UDF) National Elective Conference on Wednesday morning, 2nd October 2024. The conference, held at the COMESA Hall in Blantyre, marked a pivotal moment for the UDF as they sought to elect new leadership ahead of the 2025 general elections.

The presence of DPP officials at the conference signals a possible strengthening of relations between the two political parties, both of which have historically collaborated in Malawi’s political landscape. The DPP’s participation in the UDF’s political event comes at a time when alliances and coalitions are becoming increasingly crucial for the survival of opposition parties, especially as the country gears up for the 2025 elections.

Navicha and Mphepo

Hon. Mphepo, speaking briefly to the media upon arrival, emphasized the importance of maintaining dialogue and cooperation between opposition parties. “The DPP values the long-standing relationship we’ve had with the UDF. We are here to support our colleagues as they elect their leaders and reaffirm their commitment to serving the people of Malawi,” said Mphepo.

Mary Navicha, National Director of Women for the DPP, also highlighted the role of women in political leadership, praising the UDF for encouraging female participation in decision-making processes. “It’s vital for us, as women in leadership, to stand in solidarity and support each other across party lines. I commend the UDF for ensuring women have a voice in this conference,” Navicha stated.

The UDF conference drew party delegates from across the country, all eager to cast their votes for new party officials who will steer the party in the years to come. Party insiders suggest that the event could mark the beginning of renewed political strategies for the UDF, especially in light of their weakened presence in national politics in recent years.

As the conference progresses, political analysts will be watching closely to see whether the DPP and UDF will explore deeper political collaboration or even a possible alliance ahead of the 2025 elections. Both parties are currently operating in opposition, with the DPP being the main challenger to the ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

For now, the attendance of key DPP figures at the UDF National Elective Conference signals that, despite party differences, Malawian opposition parties understand the importance of unity in navigating the challenging political terrain.

The outcomes of the UDF conference and the emerging political dynamics will undoubtedly shape the political discourse as the nation looks toward 2025.

_Burnett Munthali is a political analyst and journalist covering Malawian politics and socio-economic issues._