DPP mafia behaviour resurfaces as MP Grace Kwerepeta blocks relief vehicle in Zomba

By Linda Kwanjana

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) continues bringing confusion in the country.

No wonder recently a renowned political commentator Raymond Likambale discribed DPP as a failed party and that come 2025, the party will not amase votes unless the party stop its wars internally.

Barely days after DPP had caused troubles at the Accountant General office to force Government pay the graduity for Thandi Hendrina Chinyama’s father, the same law makers had vigils in Zomba where people there led by Grace Kwerepeta wanted Government to distribute relief maize to their area and not Thondwe.

Grace Kwerepeta blocking the track from the packing area.

In the first place, Kwerepeta has no such right to block the vehicle because her constituency already got its share of maize.

This type of mafia behavior is not allowed and Grace Kwerepeta is not above the law.

The issue regarding the relief maize is in the hands of the Department of disaster (Dodma).

Last year the DPP law makers camped at the SFFRM offices in Thyolo where they intimidated Government officials for no reasons at all demanding Agricultural Input Program fertilizer.