DPP presidential aspirant Cedrick Ngalande urges Chakwera to replace Chizuma with a competent person

By Durell Namasani

All of a sudden Martha Chizuma has become a protected individual in the country and it has become a taboo for anyone to speak ill against her. However, not everyone is afraid to speak the truth that speaks volumes of the embattled Anti-Corruption Bureau Director General. One such dare-devil is Cedrick Ngalande

Writing on his Facebook Page, Ngalande who is one of those nursing leadership ambitions for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has asked President Lazarus McCathy Chakwera to fire Chizuma and replace her with a disciplined and productive person who will not only restore the dignity of the ACB but will take the fight of corruption forward.


He wrote: “This is a moment that calls for true leadership. The President must assert the sovereignty of the Republic by firing Chizuma and replacing her with another fierce corruption czar, disciplined and productive fierce Czar, only more disciplined and productive.”

Ngalande is of the view that the protracted Chizuma saga is an unecessary distraction from the fight against corruption and it needs to come to an end for the sake of progress in the fight against the vice.

“In any case, the circus around Chizuma is an unnecessary distraction that has gone on for too long,” he said.

Like many who are worried about the American and British continued meddling in the issue of Chizuma, Ngalande wondered as to what could be the motive of the two embassies on the issue.

He wondered why the two embassies resort to issuing intimidating statements when they have not sat down with government. He opinies that perhaps the two embassies are agitating for Malawians to rise up and overthrow government.

He said: “Its difficult to understand the real motive behind statements being issued by foreign embassies to government. Have the normal channels to the foreign Ministry closed?. Is the intention to have the Malawians rise up and overthrow their government.”

In an ideal situations questions like these ought to be soberly asked by Malawians but instead what is happening is that many Malawians are rooting for sanctions against their own government because of Chizuma who has proved beyond reasonable doubt that she is a misfit for the post of the ACB Director.

Ngalande’s call may be unpopular in the eyes of many but this because of their loyalty to Chizumaa but if anything why should the fight against corruption be seen as if it revolve around Chizuma alone?