DPP Press Conference: Hon. Shadric Namalomba Defends Party’s Position and Addresses Allegations

By Burnett Munthali

In a recent press conference, Hon. Shadric Namalomba, a prominent member of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), addressed concerns and defended the party’s role in protecting Malawians. He emphasized that the DPP is committed to safeguarding the interests of all Malawians, countering accusations that the party is merely serving the interests of a select few.

Hon. Namalomba affirmed the DPP’s dedication to its mission of protecting the welfare of Malawians. He rejected claims that the party is focused on pleasing members of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) or undermining the broader interests of the nation. According to Namalomba, the DPP remains steadfast in its commitment to advancing policies and initiatives that benefit all citizens.


During the press conference, Namalomba also addressed speculation regarding the party’s involvement in discussions about fuel price increases. He clarified that the DPP had indeed participated in a committee meeting on natural resources, where concerns about fuel price hikes were raised. However, he expressed surprise and disappointment that members of the committee who were allegedly disruptive had forced the DPP representatives to leave the meeting.

Namalomba’s comments highlighted the challenges faced by the DPP in engaging with the committee. He criticized the actions of those who disrupted the meeting, suggesting that such behavior undermines constructive dialogue and collaboration. The DPP’s withdrawal from the meeting was framed as a response to the unprofessional conduct of certain committee members.

In conclusion, Hon. Shadric Namalomba’s press conference aimed to clarify the DPP’s stance on national issues and address recent allegations. By reaffirming the party’s commitment to the welfare of all Malawians and addressing concerns about committee disruptions, Namalomba sought to provide clarity and reinforce the DPP’s role in the current political landscape.