Govt urged to promote motorsport

By Chisomo Phiri

The government has been urged to promote motorsport (spinning) in the country.

Speaking on Saturday in Chilobwe, Blantyre, Spinners Nest Motorsport Chairman Geoffrey Jarid said the motorsport in Malawi continues facing a lot of challenges such as lack of spaces where the sport can be taking place and lack of sponsors.

“Motorsport in Malawi continues facing a lot of challenges. Currently, we do not have a place where we can be doing the sport. This challenge is dragging us behind. Lack of sponsors is another challenge which is hugely affecting us. We therefore, calling the government to consider motorsport (spinning) and support its growth,” said Jarid.

He said as a group, they are currently, under monitoring period by authorities and they have hope to make Malawi a motorsport-spinning playing nation.

On his part, a spinner and a member of Spinners Nest Motorsport, Blessings Malemba expressed happiness that motorsport (spinning) is now in Malawi.

“To be true, I am happy that we now have motorsport in Malawi. We just calling on the government to give it support as the chairman said,”he said.

In Africa, Motorsport is played in many countries such as Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa just to mention some.