High Court finds Anne Mumba guilty of murdering her husband

By Chisomo Phiri

High Court in Lilongwe on Thursday June 6,2024,found Anne Mumba guilty of murdering her late husband Professor Peter Mumba, a chemistry lecturer at the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR).

Professor Mumba’s death on April 25,2020 was suspected to be due to poisoning, and Anne was arrested in August 2020 following postmortem results.

Guilty, Annie Mumba

In his judgment, Judge Mzonde Mvula said Anne’s delays to take her husband to the hospital was an indication that she wanted the husband to die.

He added that if the Anne cared for her husband, she could have driven early to the hospital that was close to their home.

“The wife could have at least called the relatives of the husband about the deceased refusing to go to the hospital despite being sick.

“She should not have waited for an ambulance from Bunda as she herself is a driver and have cars of their own,” Mvula said.

The judge also blamed Anne’s swift return to Lilongwe after her husband’s burial.

But Anne wept in the witness box, whilst vehemently denying any involvement in her husband’s death.

She wept: ” God is my witness , I am not a gold digger. I loved my husband.”

Meanwhile,the court will deliver its sentence next month, pending the defense’s submission of mitigating circumstances.

The late Mumba