By Staff Reporter
Renowned Strongman and bodybuilder Yassin Ichocho Suwedi is to be charged for causing Panic to the public. This publication has learnt
According to a statement from Ndirande Police, headlined ‘Publication of false news likely to cause fear and alarm to the public c/sec 60 of penal code” results from an incident that occurred on Monday 23rd April 2023 at Nyambadwe Ichocho power security offices at about 1100 hrs
It is reported that Ichocho was hired by Lawyer Jai Banda who was promoting the First Capital Bank / Nyasa Bullets football club bash which was conducted in Blantyre city centre. A clip that started circulating on Tik Took shows Ichocho claiming that he had kidnapped Tonderai Banda son of Jai Banda and that he demanded a ransom to release Tonderai . According to Police, This publication was false and caused fear and alarm to the public
Reacting to this, Police did investigations leading to the apprehension of the Ichocho . In his defense,Ichocho claimed that he was just joking as part of marketing both the bash council Jai Banda as a seasoned lawyer in the sense that he wanted people to come in large numbers and the public to know the council Jai Banda
Tonderai Banda was also interviewed and he admitted that the suspect was just joking and he is safe at his house Magalasi area
Yassin Ichocho Suwedi aged 37 of Vge Kasakula Chief Kawamba t Kasungu and owner of Ichocho power securitywill be charged for the panic caused to the public