By Burnett Munthali_
If I were Member of Parliament of my community, I would give my constituents help and advice, communicate the needs of their region to the Government, and promote their policies to the community.
I would represent their interests and concerns in Parliament. I would consider and propose new laws as well as raising issues that matter to me in the House. If I were MP I would ask government ministers questions about current issues including those which affect my local area.
I mean if I were MP of my community, I would regularly speak either in support of, or in opposition to, a piece of legislation. In Parliament, I would also address constituent concerns during debates, ask questions of Ministers during Question Time and work to create or amendment of laws.

I would split my time between working in Parliament itself, working in the constituency that elected me and working for my political party.
When Parliament is sitting (meeting), I would generally spend my time working in the House of Assembly. I would raise issues affecting my constituents, attending debates and voting on new laws. I would ask questions to government ministers or support and highlight particular campaigns which local people feel strongly about. That is if I were Member of the August House.
I would look at issues in detail, from government policy and new laws, to wider topics like human rights.
In my constituency, I would often hold a ‘surgery’ in my office, where local people could come along to discuss any matters that concern them.
If I were Member of Parliament, I would attend functions, visit schools and businesses and generally try to meet as many people as possible. This would give me further insight and context into issues I would discuss when I return to .
That is, if the electorates of my community had given me the mandate to represent them in Parliament, I would create Find Your MP website and other social media platforms so that people find out more about my role in Parliament and constituency. Unfortunately, I’m not a Member of Parliament and will never be because I’m not interest in that portfolio. I am simply a political analyst and will always just analyse politicians and other issues affecting this nation and beyond.