Internet users cautioned on cyber crimes

By Chisomo Phiri Phiri

A call has gone to people who use internet in the country for various purposes to use it carefully so as to avoid committing cyber crimes.

Speaking during the commemoration of Cyber Security Awareness Month held on Friday October 27,2023 at Golden Peacock Hotel in Blantyre,Christian Chikalimba, a Board Member at Center For Governance and Leadership (CEGOL) said it is important for everyone to make sure that internet is used carefully and not destroying someone’s reputation.


“Let us all use internet carefully and avoid committing cyber crimes. For us girls, let us not share our naked picture or videos (nudes) to our lovers as this can lead to cyber crimes. Loving a person is not sending him naked pictures. So let us be careful enough and respect ourselves,” she said.

Chikalimba said people should draw a lesson from a Facebook conman Precious Kasakatiza who has been recently sentenced to 3 years in prison with hard labour for dumping people of their hard-earned money.

“Cyber Crime is a serious offense. Let us draw a lesson from Kasakatiza who will now spend 3 years of his life in prison with hard labour for being found stealing people’s money through Facebook,” said Chikalimba.

On her part, District Education Manager(DEM) for Blantyre District Anita Kaliu described Cyber Security Awareness Month as an important event in an as far as Cyber Crimes are concerned in the country.

“This is an important event as we learn a lot of things about cyber security and how cyber crimes can be combated,” she said.

Annie Leleni, a Form four student at Stella Maris Secondary School thanked CEGOL and Her For Tech Magazine for organizing the event.

“Let me on behalf of my fellow students at Stella Maris Secondary School thank the organizers of this event. We have learnt a lot and we will not at all commit cyber crimes,” she said.

This year, the event was commemorated under the theme ‘ Secure our World’.