One of the country’s comedians Born Kalindo has described the death of fellow dramatist Eric Mabedi as a huge blow to the performing arts fraternity.
According to Kalindo whose stage name is Winiko, late Mabedi was a humble person who was always ready to impart knowledge to others. Mabedi died early morning today at Mwaiwathu Private Hospital where he was rushed to after a sudden illness yesterday.He was later diagnosed with Covid-19
Meanwhile, Kalindo has also disclosed that the body of late Mabedi will be laid to rest tomorrow at CI Cemetery in Blantyre.
“Due to COVID-19 preventive measures, we will not hold a funeral vigil,” said Kalindo.
Jakobo who hailed from Thumbwe village in Chiradzulu district. He was part of the famous Izeki ndi Jakobo duo.
His death comes a few days after the nation lost another artist Sweeney Chimkango. The musician cum broadcaster also succumbed to Covid-19.