Jumah applauds Kalindo’s resilience

By Vincent Gunde

President and Commander-in-Chief of the Muvi wa Chilungamo Revolutionary Party (MRP), Bantu Saunders Jumah, has bestowed political activist Bon Elias Kalindo with the highest order of the land, the Order of the Lion of Malawi (OLM).

Jumah praises Kalindo, saying he is not just an activist but has the love of Malawi at heart.

Says Jumah:”Kalindo is fighting a great war, and his vigilance and resilience have made him speak nothing but the truth. He has sacrificed everything for mother Malawi.”


He has also thanked Bakili Muluzi TV, Mtanyiwa, and Sylvester Namiwa for fighting for the politicians’ battle, not for personal gain.

Jumah specifically thanks Namiwa and  CDEDI for demanding that Richard Chimwendo Banda explain to Malawians who told him not to board the aircraft that killed Dr. Saulosi Chilima and eight others in the Chikangawa forest on June 10, 2024.

Speaking through a revolutionary voice on various social media platforms, Jumah has appealed to all opposition parties, particularly newly registered ones, to write a joint petition letter to President Chakwera, SADC, and the African Union, demanding to know who gave President Chakwera wrong information about Chilima’s plane crash.

He questions why President Chakwera has not fired MDF Commander General Dr. Paul Valentino Phiri and Moses Kunkuyu, Minister of Information, after they provided him with incorrect information. He suggested that the President is incapacitated and failing to discharge his duties, asking why he is still clinging to power or who is behind running the country on his behalf.

“MCP and President Chakwera think they are fooling Malawians, but they are actually fooling themselves,” says Jumah.

He claims that MCP never wanted Dr. Saulosi Chilima, citing that out of 84 corruption suspect names submitted by the ACB to President Chakwera, only Dr. Chilima was arrested and appeared in court, leading to his death, with President Chakwera being suspect number one.

The MRP President also questions why UTM supporters are quiet about the mysterious death of Dr. Chilima and eight others, despite pulling out of the MCP/UTM Alliance in government due to anger over the incident.

He asks Madam Dr. Patricia Kaliati and Mr. Newton Kambala why they are quiet, seeing the MCP continue running the government as if UTM is still in the Alliance.

Jumah has further advised Dr.Kaliati and Kambala that if they do not trust Malawi courts, they can seek legal redress at the SADC Tribunal and African Union, urging them to stand up and seek justice, as their quietness is a betrayal to the nation.