Kalindo calls comforters not forget the bereaved families

By Vincent Gunde

Political activist Bon Kalindo has advised various groups, religious leaders and chiefs going to State House to comfort President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera not to forget the bereaved families whose loved ones perished in the plane crash in the Chikangawa forest in Mzimba district on Monday, 10th June, 2024.

Kalindo said he finds it strange that instead of people going to the families of the deceased including Dr. Saulosi Chilima, people are going to State House a development not only worrisome but suspicious that the mourners are paying khaki envelops to those coming to comfort them.

He said during the meeting with chiefs of the northern region, President Chakwera admitted that he is receiving insults and castigations over the death of Dr. Chilima and 9 others making him to speak for the things  he does not want to speak.

Bon Kalindo

Kalindo has concurred with President Chakwera that people have even composed songs of Chikangawa forest against him advising him to do the needful, release the report findings on the death of Dr. Chilima and nine others for the people to stop speaking against him.

He said in Iran, it took only a week to establish the reasons that made the helicopter which carried the country’s President to come out wondering why the report is taking so long in Malawi after the incident on 10th June, 2024.

The activist said Malawians are still mourning over the death of Dr. Chilima and nine others, they will stop mourning after the report has been released and made available to the general public but without the report, the mourning period still continues.

“From 10th June, 2024 till this day, there’s no report and even the MDF report is not available to the public only the autopsy reports from the hospitals, there’s growing pain in the eyes of Malawians,” said Kalindo.

He has also informed President Chakwera that a 70-year-old man Dytone Mhone who was arrested in Mzimba for sharing video clips of Chikangawa scenes is still languishing at Maula Prison in Lilongwe, he is poor and cannot afford to seek for legal representation for court bail.

The activist has finally invited all pensioners, THEBA People and Malawians of patriotic hearts for their country to join in solidarity protests in Blantyre and Lilongwe on 8th August, 2024 and on 15th August, 2024 Mzuzu, Mangochi and Zomba.

He has appealed to pensioners and THEBA People to form a network so that together with Malawians they can go to Parliament to stop parliamentary deliberations until government pays them their monies expressing his heartfelt sympathy for these two groups that many have died while waiting to access their monies.