Kamphangala accuses opposition parties of not supporting activists in demos

By Vincent Gunde

A Malawi Congress Party (MCP) diehard for Mvera area in Dowa district Rodgers Kamphangala, has accused opposition parties Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), United Democratic Front (UDF) and Alliance for Democracy(AFORD) of failing to support activists in holding peaceful street protests pushing the Tonse Alliance-led government to address critical issues that have rocked the country.

Kamphangala observes that opposition parties and their in Parliament Kondwani Nankhumwa are silent only enjoying huge allowances of K100,000 per day after attending Parliamentary sessions of Parliament.

He said President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera seems to know nothing that Malawians are in pain and suffering claiming that he is failing to address the nation on the situation the country is sailing through making the citizens to lose trust that they have a leader.

The MCP diehard says he has noted with a great concern that all planned protests against President Chakwera and his Tonse administration besides being cleared by the court of law, have been ending up in tears with the Malawi Police officers firing teargas at the protesters.

He said as evidenced by the way the Police are providing security to the demonstrators, there is a clear indication that the police are siding with evil during demonstrations claiming that MCP militias broke the Lilongwe bridge armed with pangas, catapults and big stones.

Kamphangala is of view that police had all the powers to clear the roads observing that the MCP militias did not go to court to obtain an order to stop demonstrations but instead siding with them and were the last to leave after the activists fled for their lives.

He said activists have been left alone to be holding demonstrations while the opposition parties are strategizing to use the same people that are demonstrating on the streets to support them for votes to win the 2025 elections.

The activist has reminded the MCP that without sponsoring the HRDC they would not have ousted Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika out of government wondering why today they are finding demonstrations a threat to their camp.

“MCP and President Chakwera entered into government through demonstrations, allow demonstrators to present their petition to President Chakwera for democracy to prevail in Malawi,”says Kamphangala.

Kamphangala has also accused MCP militias who were threatening activists saying:‘’Ma demo azikapanga kwawo ku Thyolo kwa Alhomwe. “
He says this type of language is tribalism at its best and should not be accepted in modern democracy.