Karonga DHO bemoans continued misuse of mosquito nets

By Emmanuel Moyo

Karonga District Hospital has bemoaned continued misuse of mosquito nets by fishermen saying it is counterproductive in the fight against malaria.

In an interview, Director of Health and Social Services for Karonga District Hospital, David Sibale, condemned all people who continue to misuse mosquito nets in catching and packaging of fish despite several interventions to end the malpractice.
“We strongly discourage and condemn misuse of mosquito nets in the fishing areas because it can reverse the gains we have been making in the fight against malaria, we need to see all people complying with the advice given to them through our health workers, he said.

Fishermen drying their catch on mosquito nets

Sibale has since pointed out that at a council level they are making bylaws which upon approved will make sure that they are enforced everywhere in the district to end the malpractice

On his part, Fisheries Officer for the district, William Chirwa, admitted that people are indeed misusing mosquito nets but he was quick to say his office is working towards discouraging the malpractice.
“As fisheries office, we are aware of the malpractice thus we have extension messages aimed at discouraging misuse of mosquito nets and we also conduct routinely patrols where we confiscate mosquito nets that are being misused, he said.

Karonga is a lake shore district and fishing is one of the means through which the citizens earn money.