Ken Zikhale Trends, popular and on the verge of becoming MCP Vice President

By Durrell Namasani

Malawi Congress Party Director of Strategic Planning Dr Ken Zikhale Ngoma bid of becoming the party’s First Vice President has started on a positive footing. On a day that he shared recent photos of himself on social media, Zikhale has shaken social media, with his photos trending on and many describing him as the most famous minister in the current cabinet .

Dr Zikhale is arguably the top political strategist in the country. His political acumen that is rich in political experience , ability to monitor trends, proven research and ability to connect with people of all walks of life has catapulted him to the top , making him the favourite to win the Vice Presidency

Getting some of the commentary on Facebook , it is evident that Zikhale is currently the most loved Minister, his mannerism and presentation has won him the hearts of young people , who have now shifted their attention to him , discovering that he is a likeable character .

“I was not a big fan of Hon Zikhale , but over the past few days i have discovered that he is the best minister so far, he just knows how to connect with people” wrote Chimwemwe Banda while commenting on some of Zikhale photos.

Make no mistake though , Zikhale means business. When it is time to work , he works hard and delivers. His track record is well proven and as a Minister of Homeland Security , he has achieved so much in a short period of time.

Zikhale is a also a proven winner, relentless and with a never give up attitude, something that will be needed in the MCP as the general elections are fast approaching. A win for Zikhale to be vice president of the party is a guaranteed win for MCP next year