MACRA up with CEIR system to end mobile theft

By Wilfred Golden

Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) says will soon introduce a new technological system called Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) which is aimed at combating the rampant theft of mobile devices in the country as well as ending money fraud through mobile phones.

The system is also expected to help in reducing the proliferation of fake mobile devices on the Malawian market.

Currently, the authority is conducting a campaign dubbed “Ntchingila” which is aimed at senstizing the general public on this new technological system.

Mphatso Chaluluka, campaign coordinator addressing the gathering during the road show tour on the need of the campaign

Speaking during a road show tour in Lilongwe, campaign coordinator Mphatso Chaluluka described the sensation about CEIR as important for people to know more about it.

“Today we are here sensitizing people on the importance of this new system as we know that there are others who always benefit from such malpractices and after hearing about this they can not take it with a positive mind that is why we are here for us to tell people on the need of this new system,” he said.

He added that through the technology, people will be able to trace, block their stolen mobile devices as well as protect themselves from money fraud which is on rise here in Malawi.

He further highlighted that they are aware of some resistance from the masses as it is a new thing but they are making it to be visible as they are enganging people in every corner of the country starting from the southern up to the northern region.

CEIR is a database that stores unique identifiers of mobile devices such as International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) numbers and it helps to track mobile devices to prevent unauthorized or illegal activities.

The system has not been launched yet as it is in the implementation stage and it is expected to be rolled out at the end of this year.