Malawi Concerned citizens says youth have capacity to change politics

By Vincent Gunde

The Malawi Concerned Citizens says youth have the capacity to change the way of doing politics in Malawi urging all to come out and speak with one voice by saying “no” to leaders who are in the opposition parties with one leg in government.

The Concerned Citizens have asked the youth to scrutinize all leaders so that they vote for responsible leaders, leaders who take Malawi first and their agendas second for Malawi to change from being the poorest to prosperity.

The group last week jointly with the Economic Freedom Movement presented a petition to the Malawi Parliament to change the law that only recognized the national Identity Cards as the sole identification of voters in the 2025 elections.

Edward Kambanje

Updating Malawians through an audio clip, Leader of the Malawi Concerned Citizens Activist Comrade Edwards Kambanje, said the voter registration exercise which was conducted by the National Registration Bureau (NRB) has exposed serious challenges to hinder Malawians from voting for their candidates in the elections.

Kambanje said people of the Southern, Eastern and Northern Regions have failed to register in their large number due to faulty cameras unlike in the Central Region of Malawi where the registration was conducted smoothly without any challenge reported.

He said it is for this reason that the Malawi Concerned Citizens joined the Economic Freedom Movement to present a petition to Parliament to table the bill so that as many Malawians as possible are allowed to take part in the elections.

The activist has assured Malawians that they are following-up the petition which is in the office of the Speaker of the National Assembly expressing hope that the Malawi Parliament being the peoples Parliament, will respond to the concerns raised by Malawians in the petition.

He said any day from today the Malawi Parliament will respond and the Malawi Concerned Citizens Group will attend the tabling of the bill in Parliament so that it identifies who are the real Malawians in the National Assembly siding with the will of Malawians.

“Let’s open our eyes, we will not allow the country to go into the hands of the wrong people in 2025, all Malawians must participate in the elections, voting is their right,” said Comrade Kambanje.

He has also advised the youth to avoid unnecessary suicides claiming that many youths are taking away their lives for various reasons saying it is the wish of the Malawi Concerned Citizens to see to it that all youth prepare for a free and fair 2025 elections.