Man commits suicide in Chiradzulu over unpaid loan

By Andrew Salima

A 20-years-old man identified as Pemphero Zakeyu has died after taking in unidentified poison at Kambalame village near Kanje Primary School in Chiradzulu.
Chiradzulu police spokesperson, Constable Cosmas Kagulo, said Pemphero had fifty thousand kwacha (K50,000.00) meant for his own business and his sister, Eliza Zakeyu borrowed the money and he tried to get his money back but failed.

Following the delay, Pemphero then left his home to an unknown destination on August 7, 2023 at about 1800 hours and on August 8, he was found lying dead along Chitseketsa stream.

Kagulo added that, “the matter was reported to Montfort Police Unit who visited the scene together with Clinical officers from Chiradzulu District Hospital and postmortem results revealed that death was due to the consumption of an unknown poison.”

Pemphero hailed from Kambalame Village Traditional Authority(TA) Likoswe in Chiradzulu.