MANEB, Education Ministry release 2022 PSLCE results-Zomba, Nkhata-Bay best performing districts

By Staff Reporter

Malawi National Examination Board (Maneb) and Ministry of Education have announced the 2022 Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PSLCE) examination results and selection to secondary schools.

Maneb executive director, Dorothy Nampota said 260,295 candidates sat for the examination and out of those, 216,664 candidates have passed the examination representing 83.24 percent. The pass rate this year is lower than for 2021 which was 83.83%.

However, this year’s pass rate is the second highest pass rate in 6 years.

Maneb Executive director, Dorothy Nampota

Nampota said there was no leakage this year but said there were some cases of cheating initiated by teachers.

In this year’s results the best performing education district is Zomba Urban with 95.8 % followed by Nkhata Bay district with 93.88%, Likoma with 93%, Mzuzu 92. 64%, Phalombe 92.44%, Zomba rural 91.72%

The lowest performing district is Mwanza with 70.21 percent

Minister of Education Agness Nyalonje said of the 216,664 that have passed the PSLCE, 89,404 learners have been selected to various public secondary schools. This year’s transition rate is 41.62% which is higher than previous year which was 37%.