MBC formulates elections coverage guidelines

By Andrew Mkonda

Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) has developed elections coverage guidelines for TV, radio and digital platforms aimed at ensuring fairness in its coverage ahead of the September, 2025 Tripartite elections.

Speaking Thursday during a day-long stakeholders meeting in Lilongwe, MBC Director General, George Kasakula said he was aware of public accusation of MBC being biased towards the governing party during every election since the country attained multiparty system of government in 1994, hence the initiative.

He said MBC was geared to giving equal coverage to every party which has a representation in parliament through special political programmes and news that would be developed in order to have a wide coverage on political issues.

“As we already started opening up, we want all political parties to enjoy our coverage once the campaign period is officially opened by Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC).

“You will agree with me, MBC is now transformed, in the past you could hardly see any member from opposition party being featured on MBC, but this time around, we are doing that,” Kasakula said.

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Secretary General, Eisenhower Mkaka thanked MBC for the initiative saying the general public needs to enjoy the coverage from MBC by giving them a well-balanced news, since it is operating on tax payer’s money.

“Unlike what used to happening in the past where there was biased and clear black out, MBC is now trying to give the audience well balanced news, information so that they can make informed decisions,” he said.

Democratic Progressive Party Publicity Secretary, Shadreck Namalomba thanked MBC for the initiative saying for many years MBC has been working towards promoting the ruling parties, a development he said must change.

“This is a nice idea, but my worry is that, is it possible for MBC to follow those elections guidelines?” he wondered. 

George Kasakula