MCP delegates South endorses Dr. Ken Zikhale Ng’oma as First Deputy Vice President

By Linda Kwanjana

As count down towards 2024 Malawi Congress Party (MCP) convention continues, delegates from the Southern region who converged at Golden Peacock Hotel in Blantyre, have unanimously endorsed Hon Dr Ken Zikhale Ng’oma on the position of First Deputy Vice President.

Speaking during the meeting , Southern region chief delegate , Hon Peter  Simbi , who is also the Southern region Chairperson justified the endorsement saying they have tried to put people in this position expecting to change the way of doing things in the party but they have not met their expectations.

Simbi said it’s sad that those people who failed to help Chakwera are the ones moving around now scavenging for votes.

He said his expectation was to see them perform first before they travel seeking re elections.

He said this is why, as in the Southern region , “we have all agreed to endorse you sir and vote unanimously for you,” he said.

In his remarks , Ng’oma promised that once voted into position,  he will ensure that he does not tamper with the party constitution.

Ng’oma promised to preserve , protect and promote the already existing interests of the party.

He said he has information that some people intend to change the party constitution.

During the meeting Southern region delegates prayed for Hon Ken Zikhale Ng’oma.

Malawi Congress Party is going for elective indaba from 8 to 10 August this year.