Mob Justice Gone Wrong: Justin Chipanda Assaulted Over False Phone Theft Allegation, Police Officer Demands Bribe for Release

By Twink Jones Gadama

In a shocking display of mob justice, a man named Justin Chipanda was brutally assaulted by an angry crowd in Kabula, Malawi, after being falsely accused of stealing a Samsung phone.

The phone in question belonged to Leah White, who had lent it to her friend Christina Young.

However, when Christina realized she couldn’t find the phone, she immediately suspected Justin Chipanda and reported him to the mob, leading to his vicious assault.

Despite pleading his innocence, Justin Chipanda was handed over to the Kabula police, who later discovered that the phone was actually with its rightful owner, Leah White.

She had taken it back when she realized her friend was drunk.

However, in a disturbing turn of events, the police officer identified as Blessings and stationed at Kabula police unit,, handling the case demanded a bribe of K10,000 from Justin Chipanda to be released.

Desperate for peace, Justin Chipanda paid the officer, only for his father-in-law to also be extorted for another K10,000, totaling K20,000.

The incident has sparked outrage in the community, with many calling for justice and an end to mob violence. “This is a clear case of miscarriage of justice,” said a local resident.

“Justin Chipanda was assaulted and extorted by the very people who are supposed to protect him. It’s unacceptable.”

Leah White, the phone’s owner, has come forward to clear Justin Chipanda’s name, stating that she had indeed lent the phone to Christina Young ma and had taken it back when she realized her friend was intoxicated.

“I’m deeply sorry for what happened to Justin Chipanda,” Leah White said.

“He’s innocent, and I can’t believe Christina Young ma, would accuse him of something he didn’t do.”

Christina Young ma however, has denied any wrongdoing, claiming she was unaware of the phone’s whereabouts until she reported it stolen.

The police officer involved in the bribery scandal has been identified and is currently under investigation.

Justin Chipanda, who sustained serious injuries during the assault, is still recovering from his ordeal.

“I’m just glad the truth has come out,” he said. “I hope this serves as a lesson to those who would resort to mob justice without evidence.

It’s a dangerous and harmful practice that needs to stop.”

The incident has raised concerns about the prevalence of mob violence and police corruption in Malawi.

“This is not an isolated incident,” said a human rights activist. “We’ve seen numerous cases of mob justice and police extortion in this country.

It’s time for our leaders to take action and ensure that justice is served fairly and equally for all.”

As the investigation continues, the community remains outraged and demands justice for Justin Chipanda.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of mob violence and the importance of upholding the rule of law.

Kabula Police station officer refused to grant this reporter an interview as she isn’t allowed to talk to the media.

Blantyre police public relations officer Peter Mchiza expressed ignorance of this incident and promised to come back once he got the information but never did .