By Kondwani Kandiyado
Malawi Union of Savings and Credit Cooperative (MUSCCO) has equipped Malawi Police Savings and Credit Cooperative’s board of directors with skills to help serve the cooperative better.
Speaking during the training in Salima, Musco’s Head of Cooperatives Development and projects, Leroy Banda said it is s imperative that Sacco management build their capacity as they plan to grow bigger.
“We wanted to zero in on the roles and responsibilities of the management so that they manage the Sacco based not only on the skills that they need to have but also on financial management and other aspects of Sacco,” he said.

Banda said the skills acquired would also help the board of directors to evaluate themselves on the performance, a move he said is key in taking the Malawi Police Saccos higher.
Malawi Police SACCO Chief Executive Officer(CEO) Ian Mwalungila said it is important that the directors get the right skills and knowledge to provide better oversight functions saying this would help serve the cooperative better.
“With the training, we feel we will have a much improved board of directors in performing their oversight role and also be able to follow the strategic plan that has been put in place,” he said.
He said following the training, the Sacco will continue with membership engagement to have an informed membership.
One of the participant Lloyd Kachotsa said the training has helped sharpen their skills on what is expected of them.
“Having been oriented on knowledge and skills from the experts, we greatly feel we are geared to achieve the intended purpose as board members in discharging our duties,” he said.